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GPT-4 Unveiled Revolutionizing AI with Text and Image Understanding

Step into the realm of artificial intelligence as GPT-4 emerges, surpassing its predecessor and introducing multimodal capabilities that redefine human-AI interaction.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • 1.1 The Evolution Continues: GPT-4 Takes Center Stage
    • 1.2 Unraveling GPT-4’s Multimodal Capabilities
  2. What is the Difference Between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5?
    • 2.1 Beyond Text: GPT-4’s Multimodal Input Revolution
    • 2.2 Amplified Response: GPT-4’s Extended Word Generation
  3. Capabilities of GPT-4
    • 3.1 Socratic Conversations: Tailoring AI’s Style with GPT-4
    • 3.2 Mastering Exams: GPT-4’s Performance in Bar Exam and GRE
    • 3.3 Real-world Applications: GPT-4’s Tax Calculations and Creative Design
  4. Limitations of GPT-4
    • 4.1 Challenges of “Hallucinations”: GPT-4’s Known Limitations
    • 4.2 Knowledge Cutoff: GPT-4’s Data Constraints Post-September 2021
  5. Who Has Access to GPT-4?
    • 5.1 Text vs. Image: Access Levels for ChatGPT Plus Subscribers
    • 5.2 ChatGPT Plus Subscription: Faster Responses and Priority Features
    • 5.3 Integration in Action: Stripe Incorporating GPT-4 in Fintech
  6. Fintech Startup Stripe Integrating OpenAI’s GPT-4 AI
    • 6.1 Stripe’s Foray into GPT-4 Integration
    • 6.2 Transforming Customer Queries: Stripe’s Innovative Applications
    • 6.3 OpenAI and Stripe Collaboration: Powering Payments and AI
  7. Conclusion
    • 7.1 GPT-4’s Impact: Shaping the Future of AI
    • 7.2 The Journey Ahead: Commercialization and User Adoption

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Step into the realm of artificial intelligence as GPT-4 emerges, surpassing its predecessor and introducing multimodal capabilities that redefine human-AI interaction.

What is the Difference Between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5?

Dive into the distinctions between GPT-4 and its predecessor, exploring the leap from text-only prompts to the revolutionary inclusion of images.

Capabilities of GPT-4

Uncover the versatility of GPT-4, from adopting a Socratic conversational style to excelling in exams and empowering real-world applications.

Limitations of GPT-4

Navigate the known limitations of GPT-4, addressing challenges like “hallucinations” and recognizing the data constraints post-September 2021.

Who Has Access to GPT-4?

Explore the accessibility levels of GPT-4, understanding the distinctions between text and image inputs for ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

Fintech Startup Stripe Integrating OpenAI’s GPT-4 AI

Witness the integration of GPT-4 in fintech as Stripe pioneers its application, transforming customer queries and revolutionizing digital payments.


Reflect on GPT-4’s profound impact on the AI landscape, anticipating its journey into commercialization and widespread user adoption.