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Artificial intelligence where does Africa stand?

Embark on a journey into the technological landscape of Africa, specifically focusing on the continent’s position in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This article delves into recent initiatives and developments that underscore Africa’s commitment to embracing and harnessing the power of AI for economic growth.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Africa’s Ascent in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
  3. AI Movement: Nurturing Future Tech Leaders in Africa
  4. Unveiling the Artificial Intelligence Dome in Rabat
  5. Meta’s Initiative: Empowering Entrepreneurs with WhatsApp Business Coach
  6. Tackling Inflation: WAEMU’s Economic Challenge
  7. Insights from Daouda Sembene on WAEMU’s Inflationary Spiral
  8. Conclusion


Embark on a journey into the technological landscape of Africa, specifically focusing on the continent’s position in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This article delves into recent initiatives and developments that underscore Africa’s commitment to embracing and harnessing the power of AI for economic growth.

Africa’s Ascent in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

As the global landscape undergoes a paradigm shift with the integration of Artificial Intelligence, Africa aims to position itself as a key player in this transformative era. Discover how the continent is navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

AI Movement: Nurturing Future Tech Leaders in Africa

Meet Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, the driving force behind the AI Movement. Learn about the organization’s mission to equip African youth with the skills and knowledge required to become enlightened citizens capable of contributing to the ethical and responsible use of AI.

Unveiling the Artificial Intelligence Dome in Rabat

On November 9, Rabat witnessed the inauguration of the Artificial Intelligence Dome, a monumental infrastructure in Africa dedicated to shaping the next generation of AI enthusiasts. Explore the significance of this initiative and its potential impact on the continent’s technological landscape.

Meta’s Initiative: Empowering Entrepreneurs with WhatsApp Business Coach

In a bid to foster inclusive training opportunities, Meta launches WhatsApp Business Coach for entrepreneurs in French-speaking Africa. Delve into the details of this initiative, aimed at enhancing entrepreneurial skills and creating a more inclusive digital environment.

Tackling Inflation: WAEMU’s Economic Challenge

The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) grapples with a rising inflation rate, reaching 8.4% in October 2022. Understand the economic challenges faced by the region and the importance of addressing internal factors to ensure sustained growth.

Insights from Daouda Sembene on WAEMU’s Inflationary Spiral

Daouda Sembene, director of international development consultancy AfriCatalyst, provides valuable insights into WAEMU’s inflationary challenges. Explore the significance of internal reforms and the path forward for countries within the union.


As Africa embraces the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence, the continent stands at the cusp of a technological revolution. From fostering youth education to tackling economic challenges, Africa’s journey in the age of AI is marked by resilience, innovation, and a commitment to shaping a brighter future.

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  1. What is the significance of the Artificial Intelligence Dome in Rabat? The Dome aims to equip African youth with the skills needed for ethical and responsible use of AI, fostering a new generation of tech leaders.
  2. How does Meta’s WhatsApp Business Coach contribute to inclusivity? The platform offers free, low-data-consumption training to entrepreneurs in French-speaking Africa, making Meta’s training more accessible and inclusive.
  3. What is WAEMU doing to address the inflationary challenges it faces? Daouda Sembene emphasizes the importance of implementing structural reforms to enhance competitiveness and address internal economic issues.
  4. Who is Daouda Sembene, and why are his insights valuable? Daouda Sembene is the director of AfriCatalyst, providing expertise on international development. His insights offer valuable perspectives on WAEMU’s economic challenges.
  5. What does Africa aim to achieve by embracing Artificial Intelligence? Africa seeks to position itself as a key player in the global AI landscape, leveraging technology for economic growth and empowering its youth for a tech-driven future.